How Do I Earn SamCoins*?
Here are all the different ways to earn SamCoins - SamCoins can be redeemed for cash rebates or prizes at SamRewards™.
Log in to your Samtrade FX Account to view the available prizes.
samREWARDS ™ Status points*
SamRewards Status points are the points that count toward a level upgrade. SamRewards status points are credited to the SamRewards program participant account upon fulfilling the requirement action.
There are 4 Tiers in the SamRewards Program that depends on the amount of SamRewards Status points.
The 4 SamRewards Status levels from the lowest to the highest (left to right):
“SamCoins” and “SamPoints” are terms used in the SamRewards Programme. SamCoins are the points used for exchanging prizes, and SamPoints are the points that count toward a level upgrade. “SamCoins” and “SamPoints” are not a form of virtual currency or digital currency or electronic money.